Can't Access Your Account?

There may be a number of reasons why you cannot access your account - the most common problems are shown below.

My password is not recognised

If you know your username but your password is not being recognised, you can use the Forgotten your password page to reset your password.

My username is not recognised

Your username depends on the type of account you are trying to login with - please see the What is my Inizio Engage account page to identify what your username may be.

If you do not know your username or it is not being recognised, please contact the IT department who can tell you what your username is.

I've reset my password but I'm not receiving the e-mail

If you have used the Forgotten your password page but are not receiving the notification e-mail, please check your Junk/spam folder in your e-mail client.

If you are not able to access your e-mail account, or you are still not receiving the e-mail, please contact the IT department.

I know my username and password but I still cannot log in

Your account may be temporarily locked out, disabled, or otherwise unable to be used.

Please contact the IT department who can resolve this and help you to login.